目的 了解献血员血清中HCMV核酸含量。方法 采用FQ -PCR法定量检测 36 3例献血员的血清标本。结果 经FQ -PCR检测 ,血清标本HCMVDNA平均拷贝数为 1 2× 10 5基因拷贝 /μl。献血员的血清HCMV含量在不同性别及职业、文化程度、经济水平、献血次数、献血年限、ALT水平、是否定期献血组间均差异无显著性 ,只是在不同年龄段之间有差别。以FQ -PCR为“金标准” ,发现ELISA法灵敏度为 6 7 89% ,特异度为 93 16 % ,阳性预测值为 95 4 3%。结论 FQ -PCR能够避免PCR后处理导致的假阳性污染 。
Aim To determine the nucleic acid quantity of human cytomegalovirus in serum in blood donors.Method 363 blood donors were detected by Fluorogenic quantitative PCR.Results The nucleic acid quantities of HCMV among blood donors were 1 2×10 5 copies/μl.The diifference in quantities of HCMV DNA were not significant in different sexes,occupations,education levels,economic incomes,times of donation,volumes of donation,ALT,periodical donation among blood donors.Simultaneously compared with FQ-PCR,The sensitivity of ELISA,the specificity of ELISA,positive predictive value of ELISA were 67 89%,93 16%,95 43%,respectively. Conclusion PCR cross-contamination and false positive can be avoided with FQ-PCR,furthermore,real-time detection can guarantee accurate quantity.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses