目的 探讨上海地区汉族人群中载脂蛋白E基因 (ApoE)启动子区 2 1 9G/T多态与阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’sdisease,AD)发病风险的关系。方法 采用聚合酶链式反应 (PCR)和限制性片段长度多态 (RELP)方法 ,于 1 0 4例AD患者和 1 1 1例正常人中检测 2 1 9G/T多态各基因型及基因频率的分布。按比值比 (OR)作疾病关联分析。结果 ①AD患者与正常对照人群之间不存在 2 1 9G/T多态各等位基因和基因型频率分布的差异 (P值均大于0 0 5) ;②按ApoEε4基因分层后 ,无论是ε4型人群还是非ε4型人群中都不存在AD患者与正常对照人群间的多态分布的差异 (P值均大于 0 0 5) ;③ 2 1 9G/T多态各基因型的分布不影响AD与ApoEε4等位基因的关联。结论 上海地区汉族人群中 ,ApoE基因启动子区 2 1
Objective To explore the relationship of the apolipoprotein E(ApoE) promoter 219G/T polymorphism and Alzheimers disease in a Shanghai Han population. Methods We detected the ApoE promoter 219G/T polymorphism in 104 AD cases and 111 healthy subjects with polymerase chain reaction(PCR) method and restriction fragment length polymorphism(RELP)genotyping technique. Then we compared the differences of polymorphic distribution and the odds ratio for association analysis. Results We found no distribution differences of the ApoE promoter 219G/T polymorphism between AD cases and controls( P >0 05). No association between AD and 219G/T variants was observed either in ε4 or non ε4 subgroups, furthermore, the ε4 allele showed remarkable association with AD in all three 219G/T genotypes. Conclusions In our Shanghai Han samples, the ApoE gene promoter 219G/T polymorphism is not correlated to the risk for AD.
Chinese Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases
上海市卫生局青年课题资助项目 (编号 :994Y12 )