两坐标雷达可以获得目标的距离和方位信息 ,因此单部雷达无法实现对目标的定位 ,利用多部雷达组网又会出现信息冗余。本文讨论了两坐标雷达对三维目标的两种优化定位算法 ,并进行了仿真分析 ,仿真结果表明了各算法的定位精度。
A single 2D radar cannot locate the target's position because it can only obtain the measurements of range and azimuth and also it will produce information redundancy with multiradar networking.Two algorithms of optimal locating algorithm with the 2D radar for three-dimensional targets are developed in this paper. The simulation analysis is given,showing the locating accuracy of each algorithm.
Radar & ECM