
黑社会犯罪的自组织原因论(上)——一种崭新的黑社会犯罪原因理论 被引量:18

Self-organization Cause Theory of the Underworld Crimes (I)——A Brand New Cause Theory of the Underworld Crime
摘要 黑社会 (性质 )组织的产生和发展的自发运动是以系统内部的矛盾为根据、以系统的环境为条件的系统内部以及系统与环境的交叉作用的结果。其中 ,社会不平等是黑社会组织的社会根源 ,社会对金钱的追求是黑社会 (性质 )组织的驱动力 ,犯罪亚文化是黑社会 (性质 )组织的精神支柱 ,政治腐败是黑社会 (性质 )组织孳生的温床 ,合法社会控制的弱化是黑社会(性质 )组织产生的重要条件。“他组织的介入”从正负两个方面制约着黑社会 (性质 )组织的产生和发展。其具体过程是 :由于社会不平等而形成一个处于社会底层的社会阶层。其中一部分人在社会对金钱的追求的驱动下产生了追求金钱和权力的强烈欲望 ,他们在犯罪亚文化的支配下 ,在政治腐败和社会控制弱化的庇护和纵容下 ,自发地组织起来 ,形成了一个以追求金钱和权力为共同目的的、以有组织暴力为支柱的犯罪集团 ,并通过一系列的犯罪活动来实现自己的目的。 On the basis of the inner conflicts of the system,the spontaneous movement of the birth and development of the underworld organizations (and/or those having such characteristics) is the result of the interaction of the system itself under the condition of the system environment and the system and environment.Among them,the social inequality is the social origin of the underworld organizations.The society's pursuit of money is the driving force for the underworld organizations (and/or those having such characteristics).The semi-culture of crimes is the spiritual support for the underworld organizations(and/or those having such characteristics).Political corruption is the hotbed for the underworld organizations(and/or those having such characteristics)to breed.The weakening of the legal social control is the important condition for the birth of the underworld organizations (and/or those having such characteristics).'The intervention of other organizations restricts the birth and development of the underworld organizations(and/or those having such characteristics) both positively and negatively.The concrete process is as follow. The inequality of the society led to the formation of a social estate that is at the bottom of the society. Being influenced by the society's pursuit of money,some of the people got to have the strong desire to pursue money and power. Being controlled by the semi-culture of crimes, and shielded and connived by political corruption and the weakening social control, they spontaneously organized as a criminal group with a view to pursue money and power, which is their common purpose.They take the organized force as their support,and realize their own aims through a series of criminal activities.
作者 何秉松
机构地区 中国政法大学
出处 《政法论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第4期80-92,共13页 Tribune of Political Science and Law
关键词 黑社会犯罪 自组织 犯罪原因 系统自组织 Underworld Organization (and/or those having such characteristics) Cause of Crime System Systematic Self-organization Intervention of Other Organizations
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