当前和今后一个时期内 ,派出所人口管理总的要求是坚持现居住地的管理原则 ,把社区内居住的实有人口全部纳入管理范围。社区实有人口管理措施 :建立实有人口户籍手册登记制度 ;对出租房屋的管理 ;建立多级人口管理网络 ;大力推进派出所人口信息系统建设。
Form present to the near future, population management in the police stations will base on the principle of current residence and involve all actual population living in community. Concrete measures of management are as followed: establishing residence registeration system of actual population; administering houses rented; setting up management network on multiple levels population; promoting the coustruction of population intelligence system in the police stations.
Journal of Yunnan Public Security College