工业化和城市化既是经济社会发展的目标 ,也是发展的途径。中国的城市化水平在各区域间呈明显的阶梯状分布 ,东部较高 ,西部较低 ,中间居二者之间。西部城市化发展滞后 ,严重阻碍着西部经济发展 ,形成工业化与城市之间的相互掣肘。加快西部地区城市化进程 ,是推进工业化和经济社会发展的基本思路 ,也是西部大开发的重要战略举措。
The industrialization and urbanization is both the target and path of the social economic development. China's urbanization level tends to be ladder-like in each region: higher in the east, lower in the west and intermediate in the central part of China. The development of urbanization in the west is serious backward, hindering the economic development and making difficulties between industrialization and urbanization. Quickening the urbanization process in the west is the basic thinking to promote the industrialization and the social economic development, and also an important strategic measure for the western development.
Journal of Yunnan Finance and Trade Institute