Objective To explore the reasons for unmet needs of unmarried young adults for reproductive health in rural area of Chongqing,China.Methods Focus group discussion was conducted in selected eight parents who lived in Beibei County of Chongqing Municipality.All of them had one or two unmarried young boys or girls aged between 18 and 24.The topics of discussion were:What attitude and how much understanding do the parents have about premarital sexual behavior and abortion of their children? Whether these experiences affected the health of their children? Whether the parents like to provide their children with knowledge about sex,contraception and STDs by themselves,school,family planning clinic or community?Which way the parents can accept to convey the knowledge to the youngsters? Results Although there are other more serious social problems than premarital sexual intercourse of juveniles which are worrying the parents,they are still anxious about the reproducive health of their children.Facing the fac that sexual activity among unmarried men and women has increased rapidly following the change of social economy in China,parents give some advice to their children but it does not produce good effect.Parents think that they have no ability to provide knowledge about sex,contraception and STDs because of influence of traditional ideas and poor education received by themselves.Parents wish to get the aid of government to help their offsprings.They suggest that juveniles should get such knowledge from school,community and family in different ages and in different ways.Some parents hope to have a chance to receive the knowledge so that they can help their children better.Conclusion At present,the provision of knowledge about sex,contraception and STDs by parents has not become an im portant part of family education because of traditional ideas and poor knowledge of parents.So it is necessary to re-construct scientific sex ideas and spread scientific knowledge about sex,contraception and STDs among parents and youg adults.It is probable to set up center of promoting adolescents' repreoductive health in order to train,guide,and disseminate sex information in,adolesents.
Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality