试卷成绩自动输入系统可将各类学校期未考试成绩登录、汇总 ,摆脱大量的手工输入操作之苦。本系统在设计中采用用户友好的摄像接口 ,特殊的预处理 ,多种识别算法的综合、完整的校验手段 ,无缝的学籍数据库系统的连接等的技术 。
The Test paper Grade Input System is capable of reading, registering,and processing the student's examination results for different kind of schools,replacing the enormous and strenuous manual labor. In designing this system, we have adopted and developed a series of technique and strategies, for example: friendly photo interface, preprossessing,synthesis of multiple recognition algorithms for comprehensive verification, and seamless connection with the student status management system. Thus the effectiveness and reliability of the system are guranteed.
Journal of Dalian Institute of Light Industry