The paper used atomic absorption spectrophotometer to determine serum microelements zn,Cu,Fe in the patients with peripheral vascular disease (including 87 TAO patients,79 ASO patients,47 DVP patients), 30 healthy persons as control. The results showed that the changes of Zn. Cu, Fe in the patients with TAO were similar in the different stage to ASO,the content of Zn was lower early in state of illness, higher early in necrosis, much lower in severe necrosis, but no significance of difference among the different period(P>0.05); the content of Cu and Cu/Zn ratio were increased gradually with exacerbation, there were significance of difference compared with control group(P<0.001-0.05), and so were there between severe necrosis and moderate or mild necrosis(P<0.01); the content of Fe was similar to Zn, no significance of difference between each period and control group, but significance of difference between severe nearosis and moderate necrosis(P<0.01); the contents of Zn, Cu, Fe had no significant changes from acute stage of DVP, while Cu/Zn ratio was higher(P<0.001); In chronic stage of DVP, the content of Zn was lower, the content of Fe was higher, Cu/Zn ratio was higher, there were all no significance of difference between every two groups(P>0.05). The above results indicated that the contents of Zn,Cu Fe in different state of illness had a bearing on differentiation of symptom and signs in TCM, the changes of microelements could help diagnose state of illniss and keep abreast of prognosis, and provide certain informations treated with microelements.
Traditional Chinese Medicinal Research