对《南京体育学院学报》四个年度 (1997~ 2 0 0 0年 )所载期刊论文的 4类学科共计 4 5 4篇论文和 86 9篇引文进行统计分析。研究结果 :(1)论文的引文类型主要来源为期刊文献 (5 33篇 ,6 1% )。 (2 )论文的引文语种主要来源为中文文献 (735篇 ,84 .2 % )。 (3)论文的引文年代主要分布在近五年内 (488篇 ,5 6 % )。
This article make a statistic analysis on 869 quotations that come form 454 thesis on the four subjects published in Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education in four years (1997-2000):The result shows that the quotation type of thesis is main form periodical document(533p,61%) ; the quotation language of thesis is main form Chinese document(735p,84.2%); the quotation time-range of thesis is main form in five years(488p,56%).
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education