本文对足球教练员强权性影响力与非强权性影响力对其球队产生不同影响进行分析研究。结果发现 :强权性影响力在队伍的发展初期具有很大的影响作用 ,但随着训练实践的进行 ,非强权性影响力是足球教练员得以立足的主要因素。同时本文对两种影响力在球队的不同发展时期、不同发展阶段产生的不同影响进行了深入研究 ,并对教练员的选拔任用提出了建议和意见。
the different effects of forcible and un-forcible influence of soccer coaches were analyzed in this paper . the results were as follows: forcible influence of coaches had significant effects in primary stage of team development, but un-forcible influence of coaches was main element for coaches to base themselves upon. Meanwhile , the different effects of both influences in different phases or stages of soccer team developing were analyzed deeply , suggestions and opinions on coach selecting and appointing were put forward.
Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports