研究显示 ,2 6名运动员参加全年 30场比赛总损伤人次为 1 1 9人 ,总损伤次数为 1 2 2次 ;赛中他伤高于自伤比率 ;有肿胀症状他伤人数多于自伤 ,而自伤无肿胀症状比例大于他伤表明赛中损伤因其机制不同损伤症状具有特异性。
The study indicates that 26 participants were 119 times injured during 30 football games, compared with in-aggressive injury large percentage of aggressive injury were shown and that the injury,with tumid symptom was easier to be healed than untumid symptom during the treatment indicated the different pathological mechanism.
Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports