1[1]Daniel Oscar Loy,Poems of the White City[M] (Chicago:W.B.Conkey Company,1893),13.
2[2]Barbara Ferman:Challenging the Growth Machine:Neighborhood Politics in Chicago and Pittsburgh [M](The university Press of Kansas,1996),55 & 56.
3[3]Daniel Oscar Loy,61.
4[5]William Cronon,Nature's Metropolis:Chicago and the Great West[M] (New York:W.W.Norton & Company,1991),351.
5[6]Peter L.Steinberg,"Introduction" to The Great "Red Menace" [M](Westport,Connecticut:Greenwood Press,1984),xiii.
6[7]Henry Louis Gates,Jr.,The Signifying Monkey:A Theory of Afro-American Literary Criticism[C] (New York:Oxford University Press,1988),176.
7[8]Jacqueline Jones,"Southern Diaspora:Origins of the Northern 'Underclass'"[A] in The Underclass Debate[C],ed.,Michael B.Katz (Princeton University Press,1993),33.
8[9]William Julius Wilson,"The Urban Underclass in Advanced Industrial Society"[A] in The New Urban Reality[C],ed.,Paul E.Peterson (Washington D.C.:The Brookings Institution,1985),134-5.
9[10]Keneth Kinnamon,"How Native Son Was Born" [A]in Richard Wright:Critical Perspectives Past andPresent[C],eds.,Henry Louis Gates,Jr.and K.A.Appaih (New York:Amistad,1993),112.
10[11]Joe William Trotter,Jr.,"Blacks in the Urban North:The 'Underclass Question' in Historical Perspective"[A] in Katz,63 & 60.