为使企业管理信息系统的分析与设计能有效管理企业高度复杂的业务逻辑 ,适应业务环境的易变性 ,本文研究了事务驱动方法在管理信息系统特定领域分析中的应用 ,构造了一棵事务树 ,并讨论了构造事务树的算法。该事务树有助于确定管理信息系统特定领域模型中元素与设计空间中元素的对应关系。此外 ,还运用构件技术规划了管理信息系统中对象的运行模式 ,从而可为管理信息系统的重用和定制提供有力支持。
In order for the enterprise Management Information System(MIS)to efficiently cope with the highly complexity of business logic and to be adapted to the mutability of business environment, the application of even-driven method in specific domain-analysis and its creating method were discussed. A event-tree was presented to help the mirror relation of elements between specific domain model space and design space. Besides, the executing pattern of MIS using COM technologies was also discussed. This can provide supports for the reconstruction and customization of MIS.