

Several topics about The Classic of Poetry
摘要 本文对《诗经》研究中的几个问题进行了清理。一是关于"逸诗"和"孔子删诗"。作者认为《诗经》的基本内容当定型于孔子以前,只是当时不叫《诗经》,而叫《诗三百》,孔子删诗"之说不足信。所谓"逸诗",未必是被删之篇,而是汉初人在根据记忆缮写时遗漏的文字。二是《毛诗》与三家诗论美刺的问题。"三家诗"与《毛诗》对诗经中不少作品的解释似无重大分歧,但在"美""刺"问题上则有较大不同。这和儒家对待《诗》的态度有关。所谓"美"、"刺"之别常常是出于引用者的着眼点不同,而非"三家诗"本意与《毛诗》有别。三是就某些诗的出现时代问题,对前人的一些看法出质疑。 This article sorts out several topics about the research work of The Classic of Poetry. On the first topic of 'lost poems' and the claim of 'the deletion of the poems by Confucius', the article argues that The Classic of Poetry was formed before Confucius' birth, when it was called 'The Three Hundred Poems' instead of the 'Classic of Poetry' . Therefore, the claim of 'the deletion of the poems by Confucius' is untenable. Besides, those which were called 'lost poems' were not necessarily those deleted by Confucius, but left out by people of the early Han Dynasty when they were written down according to memory. The second topic is about the issue of the 'Praise and Satire'. The article arguesthat the 'Mao Commentary' (Mao Shi) and the 'Three Schools' Commentary'(San Jia Shi) hadn't diverged much in interpreting most pieces of The Classic of Poetry, however, they had different ideas on the issue of the 'Praise and Satire', which was related to Confucius' attitude toward.The Classic of Poetry. The differences usually lie on the inciters focuses of attention instead of on their original intentions. The third topic is about some predecessors' opinions concerning the chronological problems of some poetry.
作者 曹道衡
机构地区 中国社会科学院
出处 《中国诗歌研究》 2004年第1期129-141,367,共14页
关键词 逸诗 孔子删诗 三家诗 'the lost Poems'( Yi Shi),'the deletion of the poems by Confucius'(Kong Zi Shan Shi) , the 'Three Schools' Commentary'( San Jia Shi)
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