Zhong Rong said in Shi Pin that Lu Ji 'originates in Chen Si' . Although he didn't mention the traits of Lu Ji's poetry, from his comments on Lu Ji and Cao Zhi, the two poets had something in common concerning the emotional characteristics and artistic forms. This article focuses on the view of 'Expression of emotion with odes and mild remonstrance', arguing that the two poets' artistic characteristics lie on 'Set a suggesting phrase in an essential spot'(li pian yan er ju yao), which is the same origin of Cao Zhi s idea of 'comparison and affective image' ( bi-xing) and Lu Ji' s idea of 'Set aRiding Crop' (li jing ce). The common ground was revealed apparently in the creation of the five-syllabic verse, and its basic direction of development was decided.
Lu Ji, Cao Zhi, 'Expression of emotion with odes and mild remonstrance'( Qing Jian Ya Yuan)