Objective To scrutinize the effect of growth factors resulting from the intermingled skin graft onwound healing. Methods By means of RT-PCR technique, mRNA expressions of TGFα, TGFβ1, PDGF andbFGF of autografts and allografts on burnt rats were quantitatively analysed. Results (1) mRNA expressions ofall the four growth factors mentioned above were found both in allografts and autografts, the expressions beinghigher in autografts than allografts; (2) In autografts, TGFα expression began to rise from second post transplantday (D2), reaching a peak on D18,. TGFβ1 expression gained a high level on D2 and had itS peak on D18; PDGFexpression had its peak on D4, rebounding on D25; bFGF expression, exceedingly high on D2, dropped andrebounded in the same manner as in PDGF; (3) In the early stage of the wound healing, mRNA expression of thefour growth factors was lower in allografts, rising up in varying degrees thereafter. Conclusion (1) Graftsurvival took place both in autografts and allografts, with the former pederming better than the latter; (2) Thecombining action of growth factors that reached the affected area through autosecretion and bysecretion probablypromoted the healing of the burn wound, following signal transmission channels; (3) Rejection, which occurred inallogralts, was responsible for the decreasing viability of allografts and their replacement by the host skin.
Objective To scrutinize the effect of growth factors resulting from the intermingled skin graft onwound healing. Methods By means of RT-PCR technique, mRNA expressions of TGFα, TGFβ1, PDGF andbFGF of autografts and allografts on burnt rats were quantitatively analysed. Results (1) mRNA expressions ofall the four growth factors mentioned above were found both in allografts and autografts, the expressions beinghigher in autografts than allografts; (2) In autografts, TGFα expression began to rise from second post transplantday (D2), reaching a peak on D18,. TGFβ1 expression gained a high level on D2 and had itS peak on D18; PDGFexpression had its peak on D4, rebounding on D25; bFGF expression, exceedingly high on D2, dropped andrebounded in the same manner as in PDGF; (3) In the early stage of the wound healing, mRNA expression of thefour growth factors was lower in allografts, rising up in varying degrees thereafter. Conclusion (1) Graftsurvival took place both in autografts and allografts, with the former pederming better than the latter; (2) Thecombining action of growth factors that reached the affected area through autosecretion and bysecretion probablypromoted the healing of the burn wound, following signal transmission channels; (3) Rejection, which occurred inallogralts, was responsible for the decreasing viability of allografts and their replacement by the host skin.