

A Process Model of Developing Capabilities: Lessons from Feng Chia University Library
摘要 受到资讯媒体新科技影响 ,图书馆读者使用行为已从单一的馆藏利用 ,转为期望图书馆提供更多元化的服务 ;另外在财政紧缩 资源扩增 人力不足等因素下 ,图书馆提供各类型服务的运作模式也受到相当的冲击 ,图书馆为提供以读者为道向的服务 ,必需付出许多努力并改变服务哲学 ,因而图书馆馆员的专业知能发展要不断提升才能因应数位时代的环境改变 ,并提供读者一个优质的资讯服务 ,发挥图书馆LearningResourceCenter学习资源中心的角色 .本研究主要探讨图书馆如何在有限资源下 ,有系统地规划发展馆员专业知能 ,并且利用那一种方法可以最有效率、花费最少成本达到最大的馆员能力提升效果 ,根据文献探讨以及学习行为方法理论 ,提出一个适合发展馆员专业知能的模式 (Approachmodel) ,通过探讨逢甲大学图书馆的两个专案其馆员专业知能转变的历程 ,检视了此发展模式的成效 。 Two research issues are associated with the objective of this paper. First, we concern how the library improves service quality with the restriction on existing limited resources. Second, we concern what strategic changes are necessary for developing new capabilities model of the learning service in the face of technological changes. We argue that capabilities are a set of specific and identifiable processes, such as recruitment, outsourcing, alliancing, and strategic decision-making. In particular, we focus on librarian’s skill, experiences and knowledge necessary for the routines enhanced within the academic library. Since capabilities of the organization is idiosyncratic and path dependent in its emergence, two cases are selected from Feng Chia University and interviews are conducted to identify key elements for a process model to develop new capabilities that emphasize variation in current dynamic environment. As a result, significant strategic changes are evident for path-braking changes while during its traditional path dependent process. The contribution of this paper is two folds. For academic, we develop a concept of new library capabilities model of providing learning service in the face of technological changes. For management, this concept may be useful for those who seek to strategic plan that embraces better learning service quality.
机构地区 逢甲大学图书馆
出处 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第S1期21-30,共10页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
关键词 专业知能 发展模式 专案计画道向 competency approach model project-based








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