
“殷人尚右”观念的再考察——以甲骨文字形和考古资料为视角 被引量:5

Argument of "Yin Ren Shang You"(people in the Yin Dynasty attach more importance on right side)Reexamined on Formation of Ancient Chinese Characters Carved on Tortoise Shells or Animal Bones and Archaeological Findings
摘要 古文献中有所谓"殷人尚右"一说,证之以殷墟甲骨卜辞和甲骨文例,洵非虚语。而以甲骨文字形和相关的考古发掘资料证之,亦复如是。统计甲骨文中从手形的字,也是从右手形的字居多,而从左手形的字较少;甲骨卜辞中常见祈福成语"受有佑","有""佑"字皆作右手形,也可知殷人以右为上为吉;甲骨文字形所反映的商代服饰也是以"右衽"为常为尊,而殷墟出土的玉石人俑所反映的服制资料与此情况完全吻合;考古资料中的宫室、城建、墓葬、车马坑等的排列现象也无不佐证商代重右的观念。推测"殷人尚右"的起因,很有可能与商族的起源地所在的方位有关。 To prove the argument of'Yin lien Shang You'(people in the Yin Dynasty attach more importance on right side)in ancient Chinese literature,this article explores not only oracle inscriptions on tortoise shells or animal bones dis- covered in Yin ruins and characters of inscriptions on tortoise shells or animal bones but also formation of characters and relevant archaeological findings.It is proved that there are more characters with right hand shape than left hand shape in these with hand shape in inscriptions on tortoise shells or animal bones statistically. It also reveals that Yin people value the right hand side as a superior and lucky one that many common idioms of praying for blessings in oracle inscriptions on tortoise shells or animal bones have characters of right hand shape.Forma- tions of characters of dresses in the Shaag Dynasty also prove that the right side is considered as a normal and respectable one in case that dresses are opened on the fight side,i.e.'You Ren',which coincides perfectly with the dressing data drawn from the dresses of jade figures excavated in the Yin ruins.The idea of putting more importance on fight side in the Shang Dynasty also can be seen from arrangement and structure of palace,city,grave and chariot pit in archaeological data.So,it is suggested that the reason for'Yin Ren Shang You'(people in the Yin Dynasty attach more importance on right side)may have something to do with the home location of the Shang people.
作者 朱彦民
出处 《中国社会历史评论》 2006年第1期85-98,共14页 Chinese Social History Review
关键词 甲骨文 殷人尚右 观念 Inscriptions on Tortoise Shells or Animal Bones 'Yin Ren Shang You'(people in the Yin Dynasty attach more importance on right side) Idea
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