
从“代理型政权经营者”到“谋利型政权经营者”——向市场经济转型背景下的乡镇政权 被引量:527

From Political Power's Vicegerent Manager to Political Power's Profit-making Manager:Political power in villages and towns in the background of the market economy's transition era
摘要 Local government is the basic political organization in Chinese countryside. It is the lowest level of state political system, and it is also a junction between the state and the society. China is undergoing the transition from planned economy to market economy. In the social reform of far-reaching significance, tremendous changes of role and behavior of local government have taken place. Description of concrete features of such changes, perspective review of systematic reasons leading to such changes and analyses of influences exerted by such changes would help us better understand the essence of the relationship between the state and the society up to now. Local government is the basic political organization in Chinese countryside. It is the lowest level of state political system, and it is also a junction between the state and the society. China is undergoing the transition from planned economy to market economy. In the social reform of far-reaching significance, tremendous changes of role and behavior of local government have taken place. Description of concrete features of such changes, perspective review of systematic reasons leading to such changes and analyses of influences exerted by such changes would help us better understand the essence of the relationship between the state and the society up to now.
作者 杨善华 苏红
出处 《社会学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第1期17-24,共8页 Sociological Studies
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