Drug misuse represents a risk factor for cerebrovascular disease,especially am ong young people. Despite the fact that cannabisis the most widely used illicit drug, there are only a few reports associating its use with cerebrovascular dise ase. We describe a patient who suffered three ischaemic strokes immediately afte r cannabis consumption. Other stroke aetiologies were ruled out, and neuro imagi ng revealed infarcts in different arterial areas as well as evidence of non-ath erosclerotic arterial disease,which suggests an underlying vasculopathy of uncer tain (toxicor inflammatory) origin. Cannabis use may be associated with ischaemi c stroke in young patients,but its mechanismis unclear.
Drug misuse represents a risk factor for cerebrovascular disease,especially am ong young people. Despite the fact that cannabisis the most widely used illicit drug, there are only a few reports associating its use with cerebrovascular dise ase. We describe a patient who suffered three ischaemic strokes immediately afte r cannabis consumption. Other stroke aetiologies were ruled out, and neuro imagi ng revealed infarcts in different arterial areas as well as evidence of non-ath erosclerotic arterial disease,which suggests an underlying vasculopathy of uncer tain (toxicor inflammatory) origin. Cannabis use may be associated with ischaemi c stroke in young patients,but its mechanismis unclear.
Digest of the World Core Medical Journals:Clinical Neurology