Background. -Some patients with otherwise typical clusterheadache (CH) have p ersistent attacks free of cranial autonomic symptoms (CAS). The factors responsi ble for this atypical presentation are not known. Objectives. To identify factor s associated to the absence of CAS in patients with CH.Methods.A prospective ser ies of 157 patients with the diagnosis of CH was analyzed, comparing 148 typical CH patients with 9 CH patients without CAS. Results. Patients without CAS repor ted significantly less intense attacks (P=.003) when compared to those with CAS. There was also a tendency (not reaching statistical significance) for a higher frequency of females and chronic CH among those without CAS. Otherwise, there we reno differences between the two groups (in age, durati on of illness, follow-u p time, attack duration or frequency, nor side or site of pain). A logistic regr ession analysis showed that only pain intensity could explain the difference bet ween the two groups, since the other explanatory variables were also associated with different intensity of attacks. Conclusions. These results support the hypo thesis that CH without cranial autonomic symptoms represents a milder form of CH .
Background. -Some patients with otherwise typical clusterheadache (CH) have p ersistent attacks free of cranial autonomic symptoms (CAS). The factors responsi ble for this atypical presentation are not known. Objectives. To identify factor s associated to the absence of CAS in patients with CH.Methods.A prospective ser ies of 157 patients with the diagnosis of CH was analyzed, comparing 148 typical CH patients with 9 CH patients without CAS. Results. Patients without CAS repor ted significantly less intense attacks (P=.003) when compared to those with CAS. There was also a tendency (not reaching statistical significance) for a higher frequency of females and chronic CH among those without CAS. Otherwise, there we reno differences between the two groups (in age, durati on of illness, follow-u p time, attack duration or frequency, nor side or site of pain). A logistic regr ession analysis showed that only pain intensity could explain the difference bet ween the two groups, since the other explanatory variables were also associated with different intensity of attacks. Conclusions. These results support the hypo thesis that CH without cranial autonomic symptoms represents a milder form of CH .
Digest of the World Core Medical Journals:Clinical Neurology