The aim of this study was to describe t he clinicopathologic features and prognosis of endometrial cancer patients diag-nosed during or after tamoxifen treatment for breast cancer.Fifty -six tamoxifen -related endom etrial cancers were i-dentified from 10hospitals in Japan.Past users were de-fined as endometrial cancer patient s diagnosed more than12months after the cessation of tamo xifen treatment for breast cancer.All other users were c lassified as recent users.Age at diagnosis of the endome trial cancer ranged from 29to 81years.Sixteen(29%)and 19(34%)pa-tients were nulliparous and overweight,respectively.When the patients were divided into two groups:30recent and 26past users,the distribution of various clinical characteris-tics,except for age at the time of dia gnosis for endometrial cancer and the interval between the d iagnoses of two can-cers,was similar for two groups.The daily dose,duration and cumulative dose also showed no significant difference between the two groups.Past users had histopathologicallymore invasive tumors showing prognostically more unfavor-able subtypes than recent users.The background lesions including endometrial polyps and di ffuse cystic changes were similar for the two groups.The c umulative 3-year survivalwas significantly worse fo r past users than for recent users(74.8%and 96.4%,respectively,P <0.04).In multivariate analysis including re centness of tamoxifen use and age at diagnosis of endometrial cancer,the significance of past user disappeared.Past users had a worse prognosis of endometrial cancer with more inva sive histologic features than recent users,probably because they includedmore elderly patients.
The aim of this study was to describe t he clinicopathologic features and prognosis of endometrial cancer patients diag-nosed during or after tamoxifen treatment for breast cancer.Fifty -six tamoxifen -related endom etrial cancers were i-dentified from 10hospitals in Japan.Past users were de-fined as endometrial cancer patient s diagnosed more than12months after the cessation of tamo xifen treatment for breast cancer.All other users were c lassified as recent users.Age at diagnosis of the endome trial cancer ranged from 29to 81years.Sixteen(29%)and 19(34%)pa-tients were nulliparous and overweight,respectively.When the patients were divided into two groups:30recent and 26past users,the distribution of various clinical characteris-tics,except for age at the time of dia gnosis for endometrial cancer and the interval between the d iagnoses of two can-cers,was similar for two groups.The daily dose,duration and cumulative dose also showed no significant difference between the two groups.Past users had histopathologicallymore invasive tumors showing prognostically more unfavor-able subtypes than recent users.The background lesions including endometrial polyps and di ffuse cystic changes were similar for the two groups.The c umulative 3-year survivalwas significantly worse fo r past users than for recent users(74.8%and 96.4%,respectively,P <0.04).In multivariate analysis including re centness of tamoxifen use and age at diagnosis of endometrial cancer,the significance of past user disappeared.Past users had a worse prognosis of endometrial cancer with more inva sive histologic features than recent users,probably because they includedmore elderly patients.