A 26-year-old woman with a summer home on Long Island,New York,had a low-grade fever,malaise,arthralgias,headache,and neck pain one week after removing a tick from her thigh.Examination reveals a nontender oval(8 by 12 cm),homogeneously erythematous lesion at the site of the tick bite,consistent with erythema migrans.How should this case be managed? What if she had presented earlier,just after removing the tick?
A 26-year-old woman with a summer home on Long Island,New York,had a low-grade fever,malaise,arthralgias,headache,and neck pain one week after removing a tick from her thigh.Examination reveals a nontender oval(8 by 12 cm),homogeneously erythematous lesion at the site of the tick bite,consistent with erythema migrans.How should this case be managed? What if she had presented earlier,just after removing the tick?