

Vitamin A status, hospitalizations, and oth- er outcomes in young children with sickle cell disease
摘要 目的:测定血清中维生素A的含量与生长、营养状况及血液学状况的关系,及其含量与镰刀细胞性疾病- SS(S等位基因纯合子,SCD-SS)住院患儿数量的关系。试验设计:选择2-9.9岁的患有SCD-SS的患儿, 测定其血清维生素A、血色素、红细胞比积、网织红细胞计数、患儿的身高、体重、身体质量指数及以往的饮食摄入量。维生素A含量的定义以血清中维生素A的浓度为基准,当浓度【3 mg/L为异常,浓度≥3 mg/L为正常。在评估维生素A含量后,住院患儿人数的确定持续了1 年。结果:在66例受试者中(39例女孩)。 Objective To determine the relation of serum vitamin A status to growth, nutritional and hematologic status, and to the number of hospitalizations in children with sickle cell disease-SS (homozygous for the S allele, SCD-SS). Study design Children (2 -9. 9 years of age) with SCD-SS were assessed for serum retinol, hemoglobin, hematocrit, retic-ulocyte count, height, weight, body mass index, and re-called dietary intake. Vitamin A status was defined on the basis of serum retinol concentration as suboptimal ( < 30μ/dL) and normal (≥30μg/dL) . Hospitalizations were determined for 1 year after vitamin A assessment. Results Mean serum retinol was 26. 7 ± 6. 8μg/dL in 66 subjects (39 girls) and was suboptimal in 66% of chil-dren. Compared with those with normal status, children __ with suboptimal vitamin A had significantly lower body mass index z score ( -0. 7 ± 1. 0 vs -0. 1 ± 0. 6) and hemoglobin (7.9 ± 1. 1 vs 8. 5 ± 1.1), and hematocrit (23.3 ± 3.0 vs 25.1 ± 3.8) and significantly more hospitalizations (2.8 ± 2. 0 vs 0. 7 ± 0.8) . After ad-justing for age and sex, suboptimal vitamin A status was associated with a 10 - fold increased risk for hospitalization (OR, 10.5; 95% CI, 2.3, 48.6) and with increased pain (OR, 5. 3; 95% CI, 1.3, 21.6) and fever episodes (OR, 6.4; 95% CI, 1.7, 24.9) requiring hospitaliza-tion. Conclusions Suboptimal vitamin A status was preva-lent in US children with SCD-SS and was associated with increased hospitalizations and poor growth and hematologic status.
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