

Paediatric intervertebral calcifications: Two cases report and review of the literature (Fren)
摘要 Discal calcification in childhood is rare. Calcifications are occasionally dis covered during routine examinations. Generally, the calcification process is con fined to the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc. Cases report. -We des cribe the cases of two children, five and seven years old who presented with acu te low back pain. The patients underwent a CT scan, which demonstrated a postero lateral calcified disc hernia. Discussion. -Only a few cases with evidence of c alcification of the herniated portion of the disc have been previously described . The clinical picture is composed of pain and functional limitation. The radiog raphic picture consists of the association of morphological and structural alter ations of vertebral bodies adjacent to one or more disc calcifications usually c entrally sited, sometimes associated with anterior or posterior herniations. The surgical decompression of the nerve root could be necessary. Discal calcification in childhood is rare. Calcifications are occasionally dis covered during routine examinations. Generally, the calcification process is con fined to the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc. Cases report. -We des cribe the cases of two children, five and seven years old who presented with acu te low back pain. The patients underwent a CT scan, which demonstrated a postero lateral calcified disc hernia. Discussion. -Only a few cases with evidence of c alcification of the herniated portion of the disc have been previously described . The clinical picture is composed of pain and functional limitation. The radiog raphic picture consists of the association of morphological and structural alter ations of vertebral bodies adjacent to one or more disc calcifications usually c entrally sited, sometimes associated with anterior or posterior herniations. The surgical decompression of the nerve root could be necessary.
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