

Pediatric pelvic injury: Functional outcome at 6-month follow-up
摘要 Data on functional outcomes after pediatric pelvic fractures are limited to those obtained at hospital discharge. This study assesses functional status at both hospital discharge and at 6 months after injury. A national multicenter prospective study began in February 2002 and is ongoing. Patients completed WeeFIM functional assessments at hospital discharge and at 6-month follow-up as part of this study. This report summarizes preliminary functional assessment results from 20 patients. Patient data were accrued into 3 domains (self-care, mobility, and cognition), which constitute a total raw rating. Significant improvement at 6 months after injury was evident in self-care, mobility, and total raw ratings. This significance remained when total raw ratings were converted to age-adjusted functional quotients. This preliminary assessment shows that after pelvic fractures, children improve their functional status at 6 months, returning to near-normal status. Data on functional outcomes after pediatric pelvic fractures are limited to those obtained at hospital discharge. This study assesses functional status at both hospital discharge and at 6 months after injury. A national multicenter prospective study began in February 2002 and is ongoing. Patients completed WeeFIM functional assessments at hospital discharge and at 6-month follow-up as part of this study. This report summarizes preliminary functional assessment results from 20 patients. Patient data were accrued into 3 domains (self-care, mobility, and cognition), which constitute a total raw rating. Significant improvement at 6 months after injury was evident in self-care, mobility, and total raw ratings. This significance remained when total raw ratings were converted to age-adjusted functional quotients. This preliminary assessment shows that after pelvic fractures, children improve their functional status at 6 months, returning to near-normal status.
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