We report three boys, ages 8 to 14 years, who experienced dysphagia or chest pain while eating. In each patient, contrast esophagrams or esophagogastroduoden oscopy (EGD) demonstrated mid- esophageal traction diverticula, and serologic f indings were compatible with acute or recent histoplasmosis. Diverticula appear to result from esophageal traction induced by inflammatory changes in adjacent i nfected lymph nodes. Antifungal and anti- inflammatory therapies were individua lized in each case; all patients recovered fully.
We report three boys, ages 8 to 14 years, who experienced dysphagia or chest pain while eating. In each patient, contrast esophagrams or esophagogastroduoden oscopy (EGD) demonstrated mid- esophageal traction diverticula, and serologic f indings were compatible with acute or recent histoplasmosis. Diverticula appear to result from esophageal traction induced by inflammatory changes in adjacent i nfected lymph nodes. Antifungal and anti- inflammatory therapies were individua lized in each case; all patients recovered fully.