

Neonatal gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Report of a case and review of literature
摘要 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is very rare in infancy. Most of the re ported cases in the literature are in adults; some are in children but there are a few reported cases in the literature. The present case is a 6- day- old fem ale neonate presenting with lethargy, poor feeding, constipation, abdominal dist ention, and rectal bleeding. She was operated on with the impression of intestin al obstruction, and right hemicolectomy was performed on her. Surgical specimen showed a well- defined and round 3- cm mass in the cecal area. Diagnosis was m ade by histologic and immunohistochemical studies which showed a GIST. The tumor showed positive vimentin and c- kit but negative for all other markers (desmin , actin, S100, NSE, and CD- 34). So the case was an undifferentiated GIST. Afte r 1 year of follow- up the patient was completely normal. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is very rare in infancy. Most of the re ported cases in the literature are in adults; some are in children but there are a few reported cases in the literature. The present case is a 6- day- old fem ale neonate presenting with lethargy, poor feeding, constipation, abdominal dist ention, and rectal bleeding. She was operated on with the impression of intestin al obstruction, and right hemicolectomy was performed on her. Surgical specimen showed a well- defined and round 3- cm mass in the cecal area. Diagnosis was m ade by histologic and immunohistochemical studies which showed a GIST. The tumor showed positive vimentin and c- kit but negative for all other markers (desmin , actin, S100, NSE, and CD- 34). So the case was an undifferentiated GIST. Afte r 1 year of follow- up the patient was completely normal.
机构地区 Pathology Department
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