The umbilical fold incision for infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis provides a convenient exposure and cosmetically appealing scar. This study investigates the possible difference in infection rates between traditional and supraumbilical approaches for pyloromyotomy. Methods: All patients who underwent pyloromyotomy for infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis at a tertiary pediatric hospital were reviewed. Baseline wound infection rate was determined through review of patients with right upper quadrant incisions (group 1). A nonrandomized comparison was performed between patients with a supraumbilical approach (group 2) and those undergoing supraumbilical incisions after prophylactic antibiotic administration (group 3). Results: Complete records were reviewed on 384 patients over a 6- year period. Demographics and preoperative factors were similar among groups. The rate of infection in group 1 (n = 258) was 2.3% . With introduction of the supraumbilical approach, there was a statistically significant increase in wound infection rate to 7.0% (χ 2; group 1 vs group 2, P <. 05). The use of prophylactic antibiotics with a supraumbilical approach reduced this rate of infection back to 2.3% (χ 2; group 1 vs group 3, P < 1.0 and group 2 [n = 85] vs group 3 [n = 42], P<. 3). Conclusions: The risk of wound infection by classic pyloromyotomy of 2.3% is significantly increased with an open supraumbilical approach. The use of prophylactic antibiotics reduces this risk of wound infection.
The umbilical fold incision for infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis provides a convenient exposure and cosmetically appealing scar. This study investigates the possible difference in infection rates between traditional and supraumbilical approaches for pyloromyotomy. Methods: All patients who underwent pyloromyotomy for infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis at a tertiary pediatric hospital were reviewed. Baseline wound infection rate was determined through review of patients with right upper quadrant incisions (group 1). A nonrandomized comparison was performed between patients with a supraumbilical approach (group 2) and those undergoing supraumbilical incisions after prophylactic antibiotic administration (group 3). Results: Complete records were reviewed on 384 patients over a 6- year period. Demographics and preoperative factors were similar among groups. The rate of infection in group 1 (n = 258) was 2.3% . With introduction of the supraumbilical approach, there was a statistically significant increase in wound infection rate to 7.0% (χ 2; group 1 vs group 2, P <. 05). The use of prophylactic antibiotics with a supraumbilical approach reduced this rate of infection back to 2.3% (χ 2; group 1 vs group 3, P < 1.0 and group 2 [n = 85] vs group 3 [n = 42], P<. 3). Conclusions: The risk of wound infection by classic pyloromyotomy of 2.3% is significantly increased with an open supraumbilical approach. The use of prophylactic antibiotics reduces this risk of wound infection.