Biologic medical image is a new technique developing in the 21 century. It's a natural tendency of the image that develops from macro morphology towords the direction of micro morphology, biologic metabolism, gene image - forming. The mainly study concentrate on the aspect of moleclar image - forming, functional image -forming, cellular image -forming and gene image -forming. There are tolls of basic study of molecular image -forming such as gene recombinant technique. X - ray crystal image - forming, fast speed substance spectrum analysis, computerzed and man - machine technique, developing and testing the specific molecular image -forming within the body. PET. SPECT. optical image - forming, and micro CT/MRI/PET/ optical image -forming, they are suitable for molecular and gene's developing and orientation. To direct therapy and monitor of the lesions using the image direct technique of the minimal invasive operation. It can help the early diagnosis of the diseases. That means we can identify the lesions when the functional disturbance occur in its early stage. We can diagnose and treat the disease using more and more image - forming technique of less traumatic, more accurate to do the operation.
Digest of the World Core Medical Journals:Ophthalmology
biologic medical image, molecular image - forming, single photon emission computerized tomography, gene image - forming.