目的研究PSS注射液治疗急性脑梗死的临床疗效。方法 选择同期患者240例随机分为对照组120例,给予复方丹参、胞二磷胆碱等治疗,治疗组120例在同对照组用药一致的基础上,每天缓慢静滴PSS注射液50~100mg,14d为一疗程。结果 治疗组总有效率93.3%,对照组总有效率77.5%,两组比较具有显著性差异P<0.05。治疗组胆固醇、甘油三脂治疗前后均有显著性降低(P<0.05),对照组无显著差异。结论 PSS注射液治疗急性脑梗死有较好临床疗效。
Objective To study the clinical effect of polysaccharide sulfate injection treating acute cerebral infarction. Methods 240 cases of patients with acute cerebral infarction were randomly divided into treatment group 120 cases and control group 120 cases. The patients of control group had been treated with fufang danshen injection and corenalin. The patients of treatment group had been treated with polysaccharide sulfate on the base of control group treatment. Results The overall effective rate of treatment group was 93. 3%. The control group was 77. 5% . There was significant difference between two groups ( P < 0. 05). And after PSS treatment, the blood total cholesterol and triglycride of treatment group were showed significant difference statistically before and after treatment ( P < 0. 05). Conclusion The polysaccharide sulfate have evident clinic efficacy in treatment of acute cerebral infarction.
Digest of the World Core Medical Journals:Ophthalmology
polysaccharide sulfate
acute cerebral infarction