

Strategies for improving the diagnostic specificity of the frequency doubling perimeter
摘要 Purpose: To evaluate various strategies designed to improve the specificity of the interpretation of results obtained with the frequency doubling technology p erimeter (FDT) used in the full-threshold mode. Methods: Three different strate gies were compared using data from 452 glaucoma patients and 237 healthy subject s: combining several FDT parameters from a single test, combining the FDT test with a GDx test, and confirming an abnormal FDT test result with a repeat test. R esults: Confirming an abnormal FDT test result with a repeat test yielded a spec ificity increase of 0.10, from 0.80 to 0.90, at the expense of some loss of sens itivity for early but not for moderate or severe glaucoma. Combining several FDT parameters from a single test and combining FDT with GDx did not yield any noti ceable increase in diagnostic performance. Conclusions: A modest increase in FDT diagnostic performance can be obtained by the confirmation of an abnormal test result with a repeat test. Purpose: To evaluate various strategies designed to improve the specificity of the interpretation of results obtained with the frequency doubling technology p erimeter (FDT) used in the full-threshold mode. Methods: Three different strate gies were compared using data from 452 glaucoma patients and 237 healthy subject s: combining several FDT parameters from a single test, combining the FDT test with a GDx test, and confirming an abnormal FDT test result with a repeat test. R esults: Confirming an abnormal FDT test result with a repeat test yielded a spec ificity increase of 0.10, from 0.80 to 0.90, at the expense of some loss of sens itivity for early but not for moderate or severe glaucoma. Combining several FDT parameters from a single test and combining FDT with GDx did not yield any noti ceable increase in diagnostic performance. Conclusions: A modest increase in FDT diagnostic performance can be obtained by the confirmation of an abnormal test result with a repeat test.
出处 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(眼科学分册)》 2005年第8期12-13,共2页 Digest of the World Core Medical Journals:Ophthalmology
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