
有关戴OK镜过夜产生角膜高阶像差的研究 被引量:2

Corneal higher-order aberrations induced by overnight orthokeratology
摘要 PURPOSE: To evaluate corneal higher-order aberrations induced by overnight or thokeratology for myopia. DESIGN: Prospective, noncomparative, consecutive, inte rventional case series. METHODS: A prospective study was conducted in 64 eyes of 39 patients with overnight orthokeratology for myopia, who were followed up for at least 3 months and attained uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20 or better. Co rneal height data were obtained with computerized videokeratography (TMS-2N, To mey), and wavefront aberration was derived using Zernike polynomials. Higher-or der aberrations of the cornea were calculated for 3-and 6-mm pupils. RESULTS: Orthokeratology significantly reduced manifest refraction from -2.60 ±1.13 (me an ±SD) diopters to-0.17 ±0.31 diopters (P< .0001, paired ttest). Root-mean -square (RMS) of third-order (coma-like) aberrations significantly increased by orthokeratology for both 3-mm (P< .0001, paired t test) and 6 mm (P < .0001) pupils. Fourth-order RMS (spherical-like) aberrations increased significantly by the treatment for both 3 mm (P< .0001) and 6-mm (P < .0001) pupils. Vertica l coma significantly changed from positive to negative for both 3-mm (P=.0323) and 6 mm (P< .0001) pupils. Horizontal coma significantly increased to the posit ive direction for both 3-mm (P< .0001) and 6 mm (P< .0001) pupils . Increases i n the third-and fourth-order RMS showed significant positive correlations with the amount of myopic correction for 3 mm (Pearson correlation coefficient, r= .452, P=.0001 for third-order RMS, r=.381, P=.0017 for fourth-order RMS) and 6 mm (r=.499, P< .0001, r=.455, P=.0001) pupils .CONCLUSIONS: Corneal higher-o rder aberrations significantly increased, even in clinically successful orthoker atology cases. The increases in the higher-order aberrations correlated with th e magnitude of myopic correction. PURPOSE: To evaluate corneal higher-order aberrations induced by overnight or thokeratology for myopia. DESIGN: Prospective, noncomparative, consecutive, inte rventional case series. METHODS: A prospective study was conducted in 64 eyes of 39 patients with overnight orthokeratology for myopia, who were followed up for at least 3 months and attained uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20 or better. Co rneal height data were obtained with computerized videokeratography (TMS-2N, To mey), and wavefront aberration was derived using Zernike polynomials. Higher-or der aberrations of the cornea were calculated for 3-and 6-mm pupils. RESULTS: Orthokeratology significantly reduced manifest refraction from -2.60 ±1.13 (me an ±SD) diopters to-0.17 ±0.31 diopters (P< .0001, paired ttest). Root-mean -square (RMS) of third-order (coma-like) aberrations significantly increased by orthokeratology for both 3-mm (P< .0001, paired t test) and 6 mm (P < .0001) pupils. Fourth-order RMS (spherical-like) aberrations increased significantly by the treatment for both 3 mm (P< .0001) and 6-mm (P < .0001) pupils. Vertica l coma significantly changed from positive to negative for both 3-mm (P=.0323) and 6 mm (P< .0001) pupils. Horizontal coma significantly increased to the posit ive direction for both 3-mm (P< .0001) and 6 mm (P< .0001) pupils . Increases i n the third-and fourth-order RMS showed significant positive correlations with the amount of myopic correction for 3 mm (Pearson correlation coefficient, r= .452, P=.0001 for third-order RMS, r=.381, P=.0017 for fourth-order RMS) and 6 mm (r=.499, P< .0001, r=.455, P=.0001) pupils .CONCLUSIONS: Corneal higher-o rder aberrations significantly increased, even in clinically successful orthoker atology cases. The increases in the higher-order aberrations correlated with th e magnitude of myopic correction.
出处 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(眼科学分册)》 2005年第8期19-20,共2页 Digest of the World Core Medical Journals:Ophthalmology
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