

Cilioretinal artery occlusions following embolization of an artery to an intracranial meningioma
摘要 Purpose:To report a case in which a prophylactic embolization of a feeder artery to an intarcranial meningioma led to an occlusion of a cilioretinal artery.Design:A case report.Methods:A 48-year-old man with an intracranial meningioma presented with ocular pain and visual loss in his right eye following embolization of a feeder artery to the meningioma with polyvinyl alcohol.Results:Ophthalmoscopy 1 month later showed a cilioretinal artery occlusion which was confirmed by fluorescein angiography.His visual acuity was 0.01 in the right eye.The patient was not treated for his ocular symptoms,and his visual acuity 9 month postoperatively improved slightly to 0.1.Conclusions:Our case demonstrated that an occlusion of a retinal artery can be a complication of preoperative embolization of an artery to an intracranial tumor and can lead to severe visual loss. Purpose:To report a case in which a prophylactic embolization of a feeder artery to an intarcranial meningioma led to an occlusion of a cilioretinal artery.Design:A case report.Methods:A 48-year-old man with an intracranial meningioma presented with ocular pain and visual loss in his right eye following embolization of a feeder artery to the meningioma with polyvinyl alcohol.Results:Ophthalmoscopy 1 month later showed a cilioretinal artery occlusion which was confirmed by fluorescein angiography.His visual acuity was 0.01 in the right eye.The patient was not treated for his ocular symptoms,and his visual acuity 9 month postoperatively improved slightly to 0.1.Conclusions:Our case demonstrated that an occlusion of a retinal artery can be a complication of preoperative embolization of an artery to an intracranial tumor and can lead to severe visual loss.
出处 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(眼科学分册)》 2006年第10期33-33,共1页 Digest of the World Core Medical Journals:Ophthalmology
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