

Differential electrocardiographic artifact from implanted thalamic stimulator
摘要 Electrocardiographic (ECG) artifacts may interfere in ECG interpretatio n. Body movement, tremors, poor skin-ele-ctrode contact, recorder malfunction, electr omagnetic interference and implantable electronic devices are the main reasons f or ECG artifacts. Transcutaneous nerve and implanted spinal cord stimulators hav e been reported to result in ECG artifacts. With availability of newer implantab le electronic devices, different ECG artifact patterns are being seen. Tremor co ntrol device is a newer implanted device used for suppression of tremors in pati ents with essential tremors or Parkinsonian tremors not adequately controlled by medications and where the tremor causes a significant functional incapacity. A differential pattern of ECG artifacts due to use of an implanted tremor control device is reported. Electrocardiographic (ECG) artifacts may interfere in ECG interpretatio n. Body movement, tremors, poor skin-ele-ctrode contact, recorder malfunction, electr omagnetic interference and implantable electronic devices are the main reasons f or ECG artifacts. Transcutaneous nerve and implanted spinal cord stimulators hav e been reported to result in ECG artifacts. With availability of newer implantab le electronic devices, different ECG artifact patterns are being seen. Tremor co ntrol device is a newer implanted device used for suppression of tremors in pati ents with essential tremors or Parkinsonian tremors not adequately controlled by medications and where the tremor causes a significant functional incapacity. A differential pattern of ECG artifacts due to use of an implanted tremor control device is reported.
机构地区 Division of Cardiology
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