《醒世姻缘传》中的神道教化始终遵循着儒家的思想传统。由凡入圣的晁夫人是儒家博施济众、仁爱为本的理想化身。晁梁最终选择以孝子终身的生存方式 ,显示出儒家血缘伦理道德在作者心中的崇高地位。晁源、狄希陈与薛素姐的两世孽缘则表明 ,《醒世姻缘传》消化吸收佛教因果轮回观念 ,无非是要强调儒家仁义纲常为本的伦理道德设置不容践踏。作者在神道设教中弘扬儒家道德理想的主观意愿 。
The religeonization of Shendao in 'Romance of Fate to Awaken Men'follows the Confucian traditional thought from beginning to end. Mrs. Chao,having become a sage from an ordinary person, is a Confucian ideal avatar to give in charity and help the poor widely and take kind heartedness as the basic.Chao Liang at last has selected the living mode of a dutiful son all his life, it reveals the supreme position of the Confucian ethics and moral of consanguinity in the heart of the author. And the predestined relationship of two generations of Chao Yuan, Di Xichen and Sister Xue Su expresses: 'Romance of Fate of Couple to Awaken Men'has absorbed the concepts of karma (preordained life) and samsara (wheel of life) of Buddhism after digesting, that is no more than emphasizing that trampling the intercalation of ethics and moral of the Confucian three main-stays and five constant virtues,heartedness and justice should not been promised. The author carries forward his earthly subjective desire of the Confucian moral, and it has brought a certain extant negative effect to the works.
Study & Exploration
Confucian thought
'Romance of Fate of Couple to Awaken Men'
creation of religeon of Shendao