国际恐怖主义罪行的惩治问题是当今国际社会与各国关注的重点问题。由于国际恐怖主义罪行具有国际性、跨国性、有组织性、活动方式多样性和危害严重性等特征 ,在惩治国际恐怖主义犯罪方面 ,国际社会的应变措施时常显得捉襟见肘 ,世界各国的刑事对策也出现滞后的现象。因此 ,如何有效地惩治国际恐怖主义犯罪 ,已经成为当今国际社会与各国刑事立法需要迫切因应的课题 ,也是目前法学界亟待深入研讨的问题。本文拟从国际恐怖主义犯罪的界定着手 ,进而分析其犯罪的性质 。
How to punish the international terrorist crimes is an important question the present international society and all the nations greatly concern with. As the crimes have the features of being international, of cross-state, well-organized, various in activity and destructive, the emergency measures for the international society to punish the crimes are often very weak, the criminal counter-measures in all the nations in the world lag behind. Thus, how to punish these crimes has become a subject the international society and the criminal legislation in all the nations must earnestly respond to, and is also a subject the present juriprudential circle must study earnestly and deeply. Starting from the definition of international terrorist crime, this paper makes an analysis of nature of the crime, and a narration based on the theory and legal countermeasures concerned with the punishment of international terrorist crimes.
Jianghai Academic Journal