Based on Chois(?)improved method, but omitting the step of sugar density gradient centrifugatios, three procedures for purification of tur- nip mosaic vrirus (TuMV) were suggested and compared. After the purif- ication, when the virus preparations were inoculated on Brassica pekinen- sis and Raphanus sativus, a systemic mosaic symptom appeared, and local lesions were also produced on indicator plants: Nicotiana tabacum cv. Huang Miao YU, and Chenopodium amaranticolor. The UV spectrum of purified TuMV showed the typical curve of nuc- leoprotein, with maximum absorption taking place at 260nm, and minlimum at 243nm, When examined with an electron microscope, flexuose rod- shaped virus particles could be observed, especially those obtained by Procedure Three were shown more clearly and in an evenly distributed manner in the field of grid. The virus particles were mainly 730nm in length and12 - 13nm in diame- ter. Pronounced contrast was achieved by mixing 2% Phosphotungstic acid with virus in clarified sap. The coat protein of TuMV under Procedure Three was obtained by using cold acetic acid to extract it, its UV spec- trum with maxirnum absorption was at 278nm, and minimum at 250nm, a marked tryptophan shoulder appeared at 288nm. A260/280 = 0.67. A comparison of these three procedures suggested that the third pro- cedure was the best.
Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University