The DAQ hardware of the ISTRA+experiment consists of the VME system crate that contains two PCI-VME bridges interfacing two PC's with VME,external interrupts receiver,the readout controller for dedicated front-end electronics,the read-out controller buffer memory module,the VME-CAMAC interface,and additional control modules,The DAQ computing consist of 6 PC's running the Linux operating system and linked into LAN.The first PC serves the external interrupts and acquires the data from front-end electronics,The second one is the slow control computer.The remaining PC's host the monitoring and data analysis software.The Linux based DAQ software provides the external interrupts procssing,the data acquisition,recording,and distribution between monitoring and data analysis tasks running at DAQ PC's.The monitoring programs are based on two packages for data visualization:home-written on and the ROOT system.My SQl is used as a DAQ database.