高职院校在升格办学的过程中面临着许多困难。一方面 ,通过加大资金投入来解决硬件建设固然是重要的 ,另一方面 ,高职院校应围绕高等职业技术教育的特征 ,立足自身 ,结合实际 ,通过实施“名师工程”的途径来实现办学层次的提高 ,乃不失为一贴良方。
Being faced with many difficulties in the course of running school, it is essential for colleges of profession and technology to constantly improve facilities by raising careful investment of their capital . And more significant, through “the project of Renoconed Teacher” higher professional colleges can realize the objective of upgrading the level of schooling based on the characteristics of higher professional education and their individual practice.
Journal of Xingtai Polytechnic College