学分制 ,以其学习时限的灵活性、学习内容的有选择性、课程考察的变通性、培养过程的指导性等特点 ,吸引着越来越多的高职院校进行尝试 ,作为高职院校整体工作的另一重要部分———学生教育管理工作 ,也不可避免地受到新的冲击。本文从高职院校学分制下学生教育管理工作呈现崭新面貌、高职院校学分制下学生教育管理工作存在问题及对策等方面进行分析研究。期望通过良好的学生教育管理 ,服务学分制的实施 ,提高学生的综合素质。
Credit system has its characteristics, such as the flexibility of deadline, the selectivity of content, the adaptation of evaluation , the guidance of cultivation etc. It is becoming popular in more and more Vocational & Technical Colleges. Playing an important role in the whole work of Vocational & Technical Colleges, student management is being challenged inevitably. My essay presents the new phenomena appearing in student management under Credit System, analyses the existing problems and explores the orienting solutions. I expect that students comprehensive quality will be promoted by means of excellent student management and the service of Credit system’s implementation.
Journal of Xingtai Polytechnic College