近代中国 ,列强环伺 ,朝廷腐朽。生逢其时的黄遵宪 ,在青年时代就胸怀天下 ,器识不凡。他反对封建经学 ,主张学以致用 ,对于八股应试之作不屑而无奈。为了取得施展抱负的社会身份 ,他辗转赴试 ,然却三战三败。 2 8岁时 ( 1 876年 )终于科举出仕 ,遂偕同何如璋东渡日本 ,成为中国第一位驻日使馆参赞 ,开始了新的人生旅程。
The Great Powers besieged China of modern times, and its government was corrupt and incompetent. Mr. Huang Zunxian, who was born in that time, was concerned very much the situation, and had remarkable bearing and insight. He objected to the study of Confucian Classics, and stood for applying what one studied. He disdained the imperial examinations but have no alternative. In order to gain the social status for his ambition, he took the examination onerously; however, he failed for three times. He passed the exam finally when he was 28(1876) and began his official career. And then,together with Mr. He Ruzhang,he traveled eastward to Japan and took up the post of first counselor of Chinese Embassy in Japan, which gave him a new career in his life.
Journal of Weifang University