鲁迅杂文的社会性历来为研究者所看重 ,但我以为真正能够体现鲁迅杂文的历史价值和美学意义的应该是其“个人性”特征。这一特征主要体现在两个方面 :强烈的抒情色彩使鲁迅杂文成为诗与政论的结合 ;坦诚地抒写自我内心世界更带上鲜明的作家主体特征。
Studies of Lu Xun′s essays are commonly conducted in their sociality,but the author of this paper holds that features of the writer′s personality embody much better the essays′ historical value and aesthetic significance.The above-mentioned feature is mainly manifested by the following two aspects:Strong colors of lyric making the essays combinations of poems and political comments;and frank expressions of the writer′s inner world bringing the essays salient features of personality.
Journal of Weifang University