企业集群的竞争力是国家竞争优势的重要来源 ,而群内企业的协作行为是影响集群竞争力的关键要素 .从集群内企业的业务行为共享、资源共享、专业化集群等方面探讨了协同效应对集群竞争力的影响 。
The competitiveness of enterprise clusters is an important source of the national competitiveness,while the synergism of the component enterprises is a key factor of a cluster.The influence of the synergic effect on the competitiveness of a cluster is discussed from the angles of the sharing of business activities,the resource sharing,and the specialized clustering,which casts light on the correlative mechanism between the inner synergism and a cluster ,s competitiveness.
Journal of XUZHOU Institute of Architectural Technology
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 70 0 73 0 2 8)