目的 以健康促进理论为指导 ,建立巩固碘盐高覆盖率的支持性环境。方法 对领导层的开发 ,促进盐业、卫生、工商、技术质量监督、公安、新闻、教育等相关部门的协作 ,对群众的广泛、持续宣传发动 ,对学生的持续教育。结果 建立了联合对私盐持续打击的政策 ;建立持续的碘缺乏病健康教育机制 ;重点乡镇居民碘缺乏病防治知识知晓率由不足 1 6%提高到 75 %以上。 8万余名中小学生碘缺乏病防治知识知晓率由 3 6%提高到 95 %以上。项目县碘盐销量比上年同期增加。结论 使健康促进三大策略在具体实践中得到了灵活运用 ,建立了在同类地区持续开展碘缺乏病防治工作的经验模式。
Objective To Set up a supportive policy and surroundings through the guidance of health promotion in order to keep on the high coverage rate of iodine salt in Xinxiang county,Henan province Methods Advocating the leaders of the local government so as to obtain the coordination of the related department such as the Bureau of Salt Administration,Health Bureau,Education Bureau,Public Security Bureau,Bureau of Technique and Quality Supervision,Bureau of Industry and Trade Administration,mass media,etc.Communicated the related knowledge on IDD to communities widely.Educated the pupils with the related knowledge of IDD continually.Results The concern policy had been issued to prevent and fine the illegal salt trade and the health education on IDD has been developed for pupils in all the schools.The awareness rate of IDD knowledge in the population of two important townships has increased from less than 16% to more than 75%,and the students'awareness rate of IDD knowledge had increased from 3 6% to more than 95% The sale of Iodine salt has increased a lot compared with the same duration of the last year.Conclusion The three major strategies of health promotion have been practiced through the project.Some successful experiences have been obtained and a new work frame model have been created for the areas of same levels
Chinese Journal of Health Education
Health promotion
Covered rate of iodine salt
Policy and surroundings