目的通过改变轮胎生产中内衬层胶配方 ,在保证与内衬层帘布胶较好地黏着基础上 ,降低配方中天然橡胶的含量 ,从而达到取消胎坯内刷隔离剂滑石粉工艺 ,消除粉尘危害。方法采用比较分析法调试内衬层胶配方 ,用优选法选择最佳配方。采用流行病学调查方法 ,评价滑石粉尘对劳动者健康的影响。结果使用新的轮胎内衬层胶配方 ,减轻了工人的劳动强度 ,有利于工人的身体健康 ,防止职业性滑石尘肺发生 ,近年来未新发生滑石尘肺病人。降低了配方的含胶率 ,由原含胶率45.0 %下降到26.1 % ,节约了大量生胶 ,降低了生产成本。6年间可为厂创造直接经济效益727.2万元。结论通过改变轮胎生产中内衬层胶配方工艺 ,取消了胎里刷滑石粉工艺 ,达到了消除滑石尘肺的目的。
Objective To decrease the content of natural rubber in formula, to preclude the hazard of dust and raise the quality of the tyre, to altered the formula of glue in inter underlay. Methods Adjust the formula of glue by comparison and analysis. Evaluation the healthy influence of the dust by epidemiological study. Results First, using the new formula of glue has decreased the labor intensity of worker and been advantageous to worker′s health. Second, the new formula can prevent the talcosis and there is no new patient of talcosis in recent years. Third, it saved a mass of glue and reduced the cost price by drop content from 45.0% to 26.1%. Fourth, it invent the directly economic returns of 7 272 thousand yuan for factory. Fifth, the quality of the tyre become better after the alteration. Conclusion Control of talcosis by alterating the formula of glue.
Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue