目的 :研究姿美对大鼠的减肥作用。方法 :选用SD大鼠 5 0只 ,随机分为 5组 ,每组 10只 ,分别为对照组、模型组 ,姿美大、中、小剂量组。观察 45d后 ,测量大鼠体重、生殖器周围脂肪组织重量、血清总胆固醇、甘油三酯、总蛋白、谷丙转氨酶、血糖等。结果 :大鼠体重、李氏指数、脂肪重量、总胆固醇、甘油三酯与对照相比较均有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;模型组与姿美组比较同样有显著差异性 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论
Objective: To study the effect of Zimei on reducing obesity model rats weight.Methods: SD rats were divided into 5 groups.They were controled group,model group and three dosage groups (200%,100%,50%),After 45 days,the following parameters were examine rat weight,the weight of the fat tissue around the gonads,the amount of the fat cells,the rat lee's index,the length of rat tail,the serum Tch,TG,ALT;blood sugar and the total protein of serum.Results: Zimei can decrease the rat weight,the weight of the fat tissue around the gonads,Lee's index,serum Tch,TG( P <0 05).Conclusion: Zimei has the effect on reducing obesity rats model weight
Henan Medical Research