目的探讨中央性前置胎盘期待疗法的疗效。 方法回顾性分析 12年间 76例中央性前置胎盘中 4 7例期待疗法的临床资料 ,包括孕期足量输血、宫缩抑制、计划分娩等。 结果 97.8%新生儿Apgar评分 1min >4分 ,5min为10分 ,且新生儿体重大于等于胎龄儿。 结论中央性前置胎盘通过期待疗法 ,围产儿死亡率可降低为 0。
Objective To evaluate the efficacy of conservative aggressive management for central placenta previa. Methods Among 76 patients with central placenta previa, 47 receiving conservative aggressive management which included transfusion, suppression of uterine contraction and delivery planning were analyzed. Results According to neonatal Apgar score (1min>4, 5min=10),97.8% neonates had their body weight heavier or equal to uterine fetus. Conclusion With conservative aggressive management for central placenta previa, the perinatal death rate might approach 0.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Secondae Shanghai