对寄生棉铃虫的暗黑赤眼蜂 (Tnchogrammapintoi)和广赤眼蜂 (T .evanescens)等 2蜂种的 6个地理品系 (4个采自新疆棉铃虫 ,2个从乌孜别克斯坦引进 )进行了寄主选择性测定。当同时面临棉铃虫卵和米蛾卵时 ,根据接触卵次数和寄生量等特性 ,暗黑赤眼蜂乌兹别克Ⅱ品系对棉铃虫卵表现很强的选择性 ,其次是暗黑赤眼蜂库尔勒品系 ,其余品系对棉铃虫卵的选择性不明显或对米蛾卵表现强选择性。
We compared six strains of Trichogramma pintoi and T.evanescens by Hassan Methods in the laboratory experiments, four from Xinjiang and two from Uzbekstan, in the host preference between eggs of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera and rice moth Corcyra cephalonica. One of Trichogramma pintoi strains from Uzbekstan (U-Ⅱ)showed a strong preference to the cotton bollworm eggs in considering both contacts with host eggs and the number of eggs laid in the hosts. Native Kurle strain of T.pintoi came secondary. The other strains showed obvious preference to the cotton bollworm eggs or even showed preference to the rice moth eggs.
Natural Enemies of Insects